Renovating New York University’s Rubin Hall: A Union Collaboration | CCA METRO

Renovating New York University’s Rubin Hall: A Union Collaboration

In the heart of Manhattan, a remarkable transformation is underway. Union contractors and carpenters with the New York City District Council of Carpenters are bringing new life into NYU’s Rubin Hall at 35 Fifth Avenue. These union carpenters bring more than just their tools; they bring a commitment to safety. Rubin Hall will be home to first-year students of the iconic New York City educational institution. The expertise of union contractors and carpenters ensures that the retrofitting of 35 Fifth Avenue will bring what was once a hotel into a space where students can thrive with modern amenities. Some of these amenities include a large air-conditioned second-floor lounge, a black box theater, a study lounge, a dance room, a piano room, a ping pong room, and a billiards room. Owners and developers in New York City can always count on union carpenters and contractors to bring their best to every project.
#nyc #nyu #carpentercontractoralliance #ccametro #union #carpenters

American Wood Installers, Inc.
Commodore Maintenance Corp.
Consolidated Flooring, LLC
G E R Industries, Inc.