Blueprints to Boardrooms: Union Carpenters and Contractors Modernize Chase Bank’s Offices | CCA METRO

Blueprints to Boardrooms: Union Carpenters and Contractors Modernize Chase Bank’s Offices

Union carpenters are not just building structures; they’re crafting the future of corporate America. At 120 Broadway, the offices of Chase Bank are undergoing a transformation led by skilled union contractors and carpenters with the New York City District Council of Carpenters. These renovations will keep amenities up-to-date with modern standards while still honoring the building’s storied past. This is more than an upgrade; it’s a testament to the enduring craftsmanship of union carpenters, shaping the way we work and connect in the heart of New York City.
#CarpenterContractorAlliance #CCA #Renovation #carpenters #nyc

Admat Construction Inc
Eclipse Contracting Corp.
Innovative Projects Inc.
Mid-County Enterprises