Visit our directory of 1,000+ union carpentry contractors in the NYC metro area, including members of 14 contractor associations, contractors that have union agreements independently or with the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and certified MBEs, WBEs, DBEs, & SDVOBs.
Meet the NYC & Vicinity District Council of Carpenters
Meet the NYC & Vicinity District Council of Carpenters
It takes a great workforce to build the greatest city in the world. Union carpenters are that great workforce. Our members reflect the diversity of local communities and are equipped with the skills to perform work on every project according to the highest standards.
Articles of interest to NYC metropolitan area carpenters and contractors, project owners and their representatives, and other industry and public leaders. View the articles or sign up below for your free weekly issue.
Building New York's Best
Building New York's Best
Union Carpenters and Contractors are Building New York’s Best with opportunities that provide residents of our local and diverse communities with good wages and benefits for family healthcare, retirement security, and training for career stability and growth. Because good jobs are essential to an affordable New York!